Sunday, May 18, 2008

Terrific Twos!

On April 10, 2008 Elia made 2 years old!  Boy, how time does fly!  To celebrate, we had a "Nemo" themed party (she loves "Nemo", he now out ranks Elmo) with lots of food, water play and bouncing fun!   Check out Elia devouring her birthday was ono-licious!  Much aloha to all the people who helped put it together and came to celebrate with us.  Elia's cousin Emma Cheney from Spanish Fork Utah was even here!  It was surely a birthday to remember ;)


Lethe said...

Eh........thats gramma girl

The Reed Family said...

Soooo cute!!! I can't believe how big she is!!! I'm so glad you have a blog now. Ours is a work in progress... I'll let you know when it's done. We love and miss you guys! ~Kristin, Tim and Baby Corinne