Sunday, June 8, 2008

Elia's May Day 2008

Here's Elia in action!  They actually did 2 songs, but mommy recorded too much light in the background and it came out really dark.  Daddy,Grandma Lena, Uncle Dez, and Aunty Lauren came to watch and we all thought they were soo cute!!


Becca said...

YAAAAY Elia! We are so proud of you! What a big girl you are! Definitely a beautiful butterfly like your mama! Tell Mommy that Auntie Becca misses her so much & is so happy to see her blog! We'll check it often to see how big you are growing! Sending you all our love & happy thoughts... Becca

Lara said...

Elia is too cute for words. But then again I maybe biased since I am one of her aunties. What a precious little one.