Monday, October 27, 2008

"People united will never be defeated"

This was our chant as we stood arm in arm this morning at 5am in anticipation of the bulldozers.  I woke up at about 4:30 this morning and was picked up by my cousin Trish and head down to Kahana.  Sam stayed home with the girls.  My family had their cars parked right in front of the driveway, including 2 old limosines, which completely blocked out anyone or thing that might try and enter.  My bestfriend Liz Buckingham met us there too and I felt so happy to have family and friends to stand with (including my awesome friends on the mainland, Becca & Red who were standing there with me in spirit!).   

I was asked to speak on camera for one of the many TV stations there and since I was chicken, I had Liz and Trish to stand with me, as I did all the talking (not by choice).  The news reporter asked me about what is was like growing up in Kahana and what emotions I was feeling.  I told him of the many days and nights spent on the beach and crabbing in the river.  I shared that I felt sad, but also hopeful that the right people would make the right decision for our families.  

Somewhere between 8:30-9:30am Representative Collen Meyer came to address us.  She informed us that after speaking with Laura Thielen (DLNR Chairperson) and voicing our concerns, as well as hers, that they should have spoken to the people first, instead of just pushing papers at them and creating 6 homeless families, especially in light of our state's current homeless problem, that the DLNR would be holding a meeting with the residents and lessees.  VICTORY...for today!!

Tonight this meeting will be held in Kahana and I want to send my aloha and thanks to our Senator Clayton Hee & Rep. Collen Meyer for taking up our cause and bringing the necessary people to the table!  Big mahalos also to all the people who came to support us from all over the island and even the outer islands, and to those even just blowing their horns as they pass us on the road!  I am also grateful to live in a nation where we can demonstrate peacefully and voice our concern.  This whole experience has really opened my eyes to the power of information and education.  It also feels really good to stand up for something you believe in and see positive results...



Unknown said...

What I want to do is WHY they aren't renewing the leases after they have done it for so long? Anyway, good luck and we'll keep you in our prayers!

sheila said...

Great news! I'm really happy for you and your family. I hope everything turns out well in the end.

Anonymous said...

Your family has been in our prayers this past week, and your family will continue to be in our prayers. I hope that the hearts of those making important decsions in this case will be softened.

Becca said...

Way to go! Glad to hear you got some media coverage & that the beaurocratic pencil pushers were made to stop & THINK about what they were doing before blithely kicking your family & 5 others out! We are praying for you! Love ya!

Lana and Micah said...

OMG Lethe - I DID see all of that in the news!! It just feels so wrong, on so many levels. I will sincerely do everything possible to support the cause!! Good Luck - Keep us updated!

Keep Hawaiian Lands In Hawaiian Hands!!!