Monday, October 5, 2009

Less is More

Yesterday when I came home from watching conference at my parents house I started thinking about this idea...."less is more". At the beginning of August we got the news that Sam's hours would be cut in half at his former full time job...I was angry and frustrated at this news! Then recently I've had to take a 8% pay cut (but we did get 2 Fridays off every month!). With all of these cuts and having "less", I have learned to find the hidden blessings, even things that I prayed for.

For example, last year my schedule was so CRAZY with having to be taxi driver to and from school and work. Now with Sam being half time, he only works 3 days a week (and gets to stay home with the girls 2 days a week), and he now doesn't start work until 8am which now allows him to be the taxi driver and take Elia to school :D Having less money really does have it's perks! Here's "more"...

Less income= learning to be MORE frugal and smart with our money (we are saving more now than ever before!!)
Less money = being MORE creative on what we do for "date nights" :)
Less days working= MORE days home with the kids and time to get home projects done
Less hours of work= MORE time to get ready in the morning (which any parent with grumpy children who don't want to brush their teeth in the morning can appreciate!)

I am VERY grateful for all that we do have and now that we have "less" of some things, it has allowed me to see these things more clearly. To anyone else who is going through similar financial struggles, I say '"find joy in the journey" and hold on tight to the ones you love. Our eternal families are the most precious things we have!


liko said...

i understand. my father-in-law says that we learn good habits in hard times and bad habits in good times...makes sense.
in december, doug was laid off due to a huge budget cut. he searched for a job for a few months and then in the fifth month of unemployment, he got hired. and now will have the same furloughs as you. times are tough, but we need to be grateful for what we ARE blessed with. clarity comes and we realize what is most important. everything will work out.

Unknown said...

I say at least we still have jobs! (but still! I have bills to pay!) You're right though, gotta learn to save and be more creative!

Pilar said...

Well, I'm glad you are doing well with less. i guess at least you have a job right?