In other news, I am have decided to try CLOTH! Yup, it will save us a lot of money, and I honestly don't mind doing laundry, so it's a win-win situation (thanks Naomi for all the info). My husband hasn't fully bought into the idea yet...although I don't know why since he is so earth minded and he won't be the one doing the laundry, most of the time. My friend who also uses cloth diaper offered to make them for me, since she has done the same for her little girl and all I have to do is buy the materials (Mahalo Becca!), which will save me a ton of money (buying cloth diapers can cost up to $20 a piece)! I've already gone on line and ordered most of the materials I need for about $25 (and this includes $10 shipping). I have 2 more things to buy that shouldn't run me more than $15. My friend thinks this will be enough to make me around 7-10 diapers. I'm excited to try them out and I'll post more info. on how it goes!
wow. you're so brave to try cloth! I give you mad props sister!!
Yay! So nice to find your blog too!
Mika is soooo cute! Only 2 weeks old too?! Wow! How's life with 2 children? Such a beautiful family!
Hi Lethe!!! Mika's adorable! Wow, I guess a lot has changed since the last time I saw you - hope all is well! Take care & let us know how the cloth diaper works out!
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